Friday, August 3, 2018

You Find Out Who Your Friends Are

Well the time is almost here...These last 9 months have been the hardest but most eye opening months of my life. I have learned so much about who I am and what I want to do with my life. Like people say, you find out who your friends are when you go through hard times and I definitely learned this the hard way. I have had the closest of my friends walk out of my life the moment they found out about Skylar like I was nothing to them and also have made some great friends on this journey. On my hardest days, I have found out who is there for me and who is not and it was surprising who wasn't here for me. After always having my friends backs and them turning on me the way I did has really taught me to be more careful and not to trust everyone. The amount of people who have tried to change Skylar's name and given me rude opinions about what I have decided to do is crazy to me. When you become a mother, YOU have a say in everything. Even though these have been the hardest months, I would not trade the experience for anything because in about 20 days I get to have a MINI ME!!! And everything will be worth it. All the late nights crying, wondering how I will get through this it will be worth it! Baby girl, I don't know why God chose me to be your mother but I promise you I will always put you first and do my absolute best to give you the best childhood. I just want to say thank you to everyone who has been here for me and not doubted me at all. And for the people who have walked out of my life, talked behind my back, and not been here for me... don't try coming back in my life. I've learned more from y'all than anyone. 

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